Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our 2009 Christmas Present--did you open it?

Did You Consider....

Our 2009 Christmas Present

by James A. Bridge

Have you thought about the Christmas present we got in 2009? I have, and
I hope you will, too. For thought there is a war with evil on-going in
America today, and God got word to us on December 25^th , 2009, to keep
our faith.

It is not easy to see it shining under the Christmas Tree of our
remembrance. We are at war with people who would destroy our entire way
of life, at home and abroad. Our attention is drawn to that struggle for
the soul of our nation. The struggle goes on stronger today than before,
the battlefields of argument and protest are everywhere.

Weary, we fight a government that has turned on us. Beleaguered we left
2009, staggering into the bitter cold of a new midnight, as 230 years
ago soldiers staggered in boots made of rags behind George Washington to
create our nation, a nation that was in revolt against a pervasive
executive power, against a King who was asserting an absolutism that the
British Constitution gave no sanction to.

We took our glass of kindness and cheer that Thursday night last, and we
nursed our bruises, those of us who love our country, love our
Constitution, cherish our federalism, faith, and our liberty. We
remembered with great disdain the hijacking of nearly our entire mass
media and entertainment industry apparatus, and we fumed about a class
of people who have angled themselves into positions of influence to do
evil to this country by diverting us from the truth. We awoke, even, to
an America on January 1, 2010, in which the block-busting story of an
Islamic-mob rampage in Paris and upon a train was largely not reported
in print or electronic media. We must tolerate every day the presence of
a man in the White House who thinks only of the "beautiful sound of the
call to prayer" of Islam, and ignores and denies the inherent evil in
Islamic teachings.

And we again hold our temples between our hands and wonder what has
happened, all this, in a week, in which America was stabbed in the back
and nearly in the heart on the holiest days of the Christian calendar.

Most of us are Christians in the United States, and we are a nation of
Christians. Jews and Christians helped form this country. We embrace the
Judaism that makes up the Old Testament of our religion. We share that
experience with our Jewish brothers and sisters. Our entire culture
springs out of a Judeo-Christian belief in a shared God, and out of
absolute demand for individual liberty. We welcome people of all faiths,
so long as they don't attempt to harm us or to destroy our way of life.

Millions of people have lost their jobs in the last six months, while
the President and his rubber-stamp Congress heaped lie upon lie on us.
They complained about Bush's economic policies and his two trillion
dollar debt, and then added an unbelievable TWELVE TRILLION DOLLARS to
this number. Lie upon lie, they proclaimed an era of openness, and then,
as people huddled together for a Christmas without work, money, and joy,
they forced a Health Care bill through House and Senate that is an
assault upon our Constitution, that will destroy our personal liberty,
and that will cost TRILLIONS OF DOLLARS on top of the the TRILLIONS OF
DOLLARS they have already spent in ONE YEAR IN OFFICE.

Their goal is to both eradicate the insurance industry, and to enslave
us all. They want a world in which the government can tell you what to
buy, and then imprison you for disobeying. They want a world in which

The Senate stabbed America in the back on Christmas Eve 2009 when they
voted for this great evil. A satanic jest was made of it, too, when
Senator Harry Reid of Nevada called it "a Christmas present to the
American people."

Senator Reid lied when he said it, for he knows that America does not
want this. He and the entire Democratic caucus, corrupted state after
state with special deals. They were aided by so-called Independent
Senator Joseph Lieberman who cast sanction to the thousands of lies
flying in and out of the 111^th Congress. These 60 will go down in
history as the most prolific liars ever to sit in the legislature. They
take their lead from Barack Hussein Obama, whose chain of lies from 2008
to 2010 is so huge as to defy comprehension. They, the 60-plus-one of
them, looked down at the America upon whose neck they stand and called
the extinction of our personal privacy and liberty "a Christmas
present." That present was for President Obama, so that he could claim a
policy victory in his ledger book. So they stabbed us in the back on
Christmas Eve to give him that present.

The next day Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian Muslim, tried to give
America "a Christmas present", too. He tried to murder 300 people on
board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 by igniting mixture of explosive
chemicals. Sponsored by his religious teachers, he wanted to tear a
jetliner and its inhabitants apart and rain death and blood upon
Detroit. He, on his mission, got his Christmas present from our
President, who has so emboldened the Wahabbis in the Islamic orthodoxy
of terror that we have seen murderous attacks by American Muslims like
Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan who took 12 lives and the life of an
unborn child. Abdulmutallab received "a Christmas present" from
President Barack Hussein Obama, too—he got a lawyer.

These two grand strokes of evil were not accidents. They were planned
with great timing, by the traitorous Senate 60, who throttled debate,
hid the contents of this bill, and terrorized their laggards into
signing on to something that may well send America into revolt.
Abdulmutallab planned his strike into America's heart well, too. How
gleefully our enemies must have considered this dual blow to America,
and how they must have laughed to watch the Homeland Security director
and the President's Press Secretary falling all over themselves to say
the system worked! Only a culture of lying could propagate such a filthy
lie, for only habitual liars believe that people will believe what ever
they are told. How wrong they are.

Nevertheless, as Christmas and the New Year's Day have come and gone I
look back on those events and saw a present beneath that Christmas tree
of my remembrance, one I hadn't noticed.

The blow aimed at America's heart on Christmas day didn't land.

That blow was deflected by the hand of God. Our God will not let us down
as have done our leaders in Washington, so long as we have faith and do
God's work here on earth.

Thank you, God.

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