Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Do Not Tread On Me

by James A. Bridge

The assault upon our American Liberty by the 111th Congress and the President of the United States has brought an outpouring of Americans everywhere of reaction and warning to our Federal Government.

The message is this: You have not the right to undo our way of life because of an elective majority. You have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. To break your word is to invalidate your power.

Don't Tread On Me was the Colonist's answer 230 years ago and more. They followed up their sentiments with musket ball and bayonet.

We've reached a time to define the expression “Don't Tread On Me”. Let me be clear, though. I speak for myself, and not in the name of any group, nor for any other person. I speak to all who endorse the assault upon our freedom, who work to destroy the founding document of our nation, that which all of our elected officials and military swear to uphold above all things: the Constitution of the United States of America.

My message to you and query is this: Are you prepared to give your lives to expand the national government into our homes, into our living room, into our bedrooms and kitchens?

For, friends and family, if this assault upon the very fabric our nation continues, this nation will erupt into civil war. If this occurs, I swear to you that I will side with the Founders of our country, who plainly laid out in writings and correspondence that this day might come. These great men thought they had every angle covered.

But they miscalculated in one place: They thought that the sworn commitment of our elected officials would never be perfidiously offered; they believed that one would rather die than break an oath.

Our founders didn't see into our time, when so many people give their word lightly.

So many of our elected officials have broken their word to uphold our Constitution. They have lied to us. They continue to lie to us. What James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams Cotton Mather and the rest of them set out to protect us from—pervasive and autocratic government—is about to set upon us like the darkest night this great nation has ever seen.

So, I swear, in their name, and with hand on heart, I swear I will put my life on the line to defend our Liberty. I will fight against the enemies of our nation, within and without its borders, and I swear that I will put my life on the line for the Constitution of the United States of America.

I own no guns or other weapons. But I promise you, if that battlefield unfolds around me, I'll be at the front of the forces of Liberty. Though I might recognize some of you across the way as family and friends, I swear to you, in the name of Liberty and the Constitution of the United States of America, I will put my life between you and that which I hold dearer than life, and strike at you with every weapon I have, without remorse,


semper porro, numquam cedere!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sea of Grass

by James A. Bridge
I am a blade of grass.

We unite today, yesterday, and tomorrow, across a broad expanse of the United States of America. We have joined hands out of necessity, this time; not that we wouldn't gladly take one another's hand at any time.

We are Americans, New Jerseyans, New Yorkers, Ohioans, Floridians, Arizonans, Californians, Alaskans, Montanans, white and black, of European, African, or Asian descent. We have found one another in common cause to fight what has befallen us. We must fight a cynical group of politicians, and news media reporters, and directors of reporters, fight them with every extra moment of each day, with purpose, relentlessly pushing our cause forward.

Our cause is liberty. Our cause is federalism. Our cause is fiscal responsibility. Our cause is secure borders for our country, and the removal from amongst us who are in our country illegally. Our cause is for a strong America, a military that is second to none, and a foreign policy that shines with the promise of liberty that is imbued in our most sacred of documents—our Declaration of Independence, and our Constitution.

I greet you all, out there, everywhere, and I stand with you, as I am, a lone American.

I am a blade of grass.

But I stand not alone from sea to sea. I stand shoulder to shoulder with you. When the wind disturbs us, we rustle, and when the wind is fierce, we wave and roar. We are heard, and here, as we stand across thousands of miles, we are seen, today, as we stood yesterday and as we will stand tomorrow.

We Americans embrace the entrepreneurial spirit of our nation. Here we came from Europe, from Asia, from everywhere, to escape the socialist and Marxists experiments of totalitarian societies. Here we came with our long knives and our flintlocks and carved out of a wilderness the greatest nation on the face of the earth. Here we came, and God gave us the good fortune to have angels amongst us, agents of the greatest good, a George Washington, James Madison, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, John Adams, these legendary figures who are more than just worth of historical moment. These great men shook off the totalitarian chains of a British King, a king who did not cherish liberty, a king who wanted the scepter and arms of the crown to intrude into every domicile of his American possessions.

For we then, as today, and tomorrow; we stood first, singly, as individual blades of grass, then as a mass of blades of grass that rustled with the wind, and finally we were a sea that chafed and cried out with answers to every royal rebuke. We were soon heard at Lexington, and at Concord, as our musket balls harried the Redcoats back to Boston harbor, and ultimately back to Britain in defeat.

These American angels looked to their faith in God, and to what man had wrought in search of good government in ancient times, and then, too, examined the American experiment of colonial governments, parliaments, and in the loose federation called the United States of American under the Articles of Confederation. They created in our Constitution a more perfect union. But, they erred, and the like of James Madison and Thomas Jefferson reminded them that some rights must be averred, openly stated, even though manifest and obvious in their time.

They had the foresight to enumerate these rights, however obvious they were, and so staunchly did they adhere to the need for them, that only with the pre-condition of these enumerated rights would this perfect union gel and breathe.

Those rights, that seemed so unnecessary to be stated, are today under fire from forces of tyranny, totalitarianism, and collectivism. They are not a foreign enemy. We, the American people, have chosen them to serve us, and we have been asleep. While we slept, we allowed them to undo what had been done for us.

Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of a religion—have not our time-honored traditions of Christmas and Hanukkah, Easter and Rosh Hashanah been stilled from our government halls, banished from open celebration, as if none of us who serve in government should have a faith or want to celebrate. We should not make that joyful noise, say the self-proclaimed Progressives, who in every thing they do reveal a deep loathing for what our Founders wrought, and for who our Founders were. This most obvious of all rights has been quashed, and we have slept through it.

But now, we awake.

The people have the right to petition the government with grievances—has not our own President demanded that we be still? We rub our eyes, is it possibly true? Has this happened?

Yes it has.

Freedom of speech—has not our President used his authority to collect a list of dissenting voices? We sit up in disbelief. Yes, he has. You might find your information logged at flag-at-whitehouse-dot-gov.

The right of the people to bear arms—the second of these rights that our Founding Fathers knew must be enshrined in stated word—is this right now under attack? Has our President not said that many of us cling to our guns and religions out of bigotry and ignorance? We stand as one and say, Mr. President, do you not know the history of this country, whose reigns we have handed you, and whose Constitution you have sworn to uphold and protect? Do you not know of the murder of nine patriots at Lexington in 1775? Do you not remember, sir, the five murdered by the Redcoats in Boston in 1770, including a man who loved liberty more than you, a man of color, Crispus Attucks? Whether you want to hear it or not, we have the right to bear those arms to protect us from tyranny. We have the right to protect our liberty with our weapons, friends; why else would the forces of big government and tyranny want to strip that right from us?

The right to a speedy trial—when in recent memory has there been a speedy trial? We have allowed our legal system to frustrate the demand for justice in allowing trials to continue over years, needlessly. But, this basic right has, too, all but disappeared.

The most important of all rights, given to us in the 9th and 10th amendments to the Constitution, have been abused by our court system, and have been circumvented by Congress after Congress, and by Presidents, until now, the boldest threat to our Constitutional authority is at our door. President Barack Hussein Obama in the White House, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Harry Reid, Senate Majority Leader, will undo with finality our last claims upon liberty and federalism. Our individual liberty and the protection of our state government authority from the usurpation of a power-mad national government is upon us. This is usurpation, for the national government is refused any power that is not enumerated, and that which is not is reserved first to the people, and then to the state.

However with the passage of two pieces of legislation, Waxman-Markey, and the infamous Presidential lie of health care “reform”, our 9th and 10th amendments will be destroyed.

If this most disgraceful 111th Congress passes, and this most anti-American President ever, sign into law both bills, our legislators will give our last shred of liberty away.

If the federal government can reach into my house and control my thermostat, I have no freedom left. This is what Waxman-Markey, a.k.a. Cap and Trade, will do. If the federal government will tell me if I may or may not receive treatment for what ails me, and if that federal government will punish me for seeking such treatment outside of this law, then I am no longer free.

If these measures are enacted, our legislators and President will have willfully violated their oaths of office. They will, with these measures, make slaves of us all. They will have made our state governments mere handmaidens to the national tyranny. We will have nowhere to go to celebrate liberty, other than to our history books.

These assaults upon our liberty are real, current. They loom before us, a monstrous evil that besets us from many quarters. Reporters, and directors of reporters, have become our enemies. They denounce our struggle for truth, and shield it from us. They have sided with the forces who plan to handcuff us to a new world order, who would chain us to our national government as they would oxen to the yoke, and they would lash us into quiet servitude. Whether by accident or design, the press has been co-opted by forces of tyranny and will not work to save or protect us, as they may have once done.

Theses are mighty enemies: Congress, President, and Press. The enormity of their combined power might break the spirit of a more timid people, of a people who are easily cowed. Americans, though are not these.

I am a blade of grass. I chafe and rustle with each affront to my liberty. I, today, as yesterday, and tomorrow, am not alone, for a I hear a loud noise of chafing and rustling times a thousand, times a hundred million.

I am a blade of grass and I am not alone.

Americans who cherish liberty will not allow this final insult to the American way of life occur and stand. We will attack it with our voices. We will attack it with our votes. If these anti-American forces refuse to yield and continue to take from us our God-given liberty, we will fight you wherever we need to, with whatever tools or weapons. If this Congress and this President make these steps, we will in a subsequent Congress and under a different President undo them.

We will not tolerate it, and we will fight for liberty.

I am a blade of grass and I am not a lone. I stand shoulder to shoulder in a sea of roaring grass, and we shout with one voice, “LIBERTY! AMERICA! JOIN US!”

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big Government is UNAMERICAN

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.

Our President is at war with....US. With us, the PEOPLE; with US, the country. His Big Government policies and spending have shipwrecked our economy, and he is about to seize control of our lives but forcing public option health care down our throats, and put Federal Government regulators in charge of your thermostats.

We must stop this attack upon the very fabric of our society. Our founders told us in 1776, and they put in writing by 1793. Big Government is UNAMERICAN, they said.

President Barack Hussein Obama's policies are borne out of the New Party, a Communist organization he was a member of in the 1990s. In fact, the American Communist Party is very pleased with the accomplishments of the Obama administration and this disgraceful 111th Congress. Take a look here.

Should we be concerned that the Communist Party applauds the work of this President? You had damn well better be. COMMUNISM IS UNAMERICAN. THEY WANT TO TAKE FROM US EVERY FREEDOM THAT YOU AND I HAVE. If you have any doubts about that, you haven't been paying attention to World History.

The only time a Communist and an American President should EVER be on the same page MIGHT be if Martians attack.

I said MIGHT.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN, and President Barack Hussein Obama is the most UNAMERICAN president in American history.

Because 1775 and 1776 were all about throwing off the reign and chains of totalitarian government. Any advocate of an overarching, all-powerful centralized national government doesn't understand the most basic elements of being an AMERICAN. Any such advocate who thinks he or she is doing the right thing for America by espousing Big Government polices is actually undermining what we are as a country.

And any American who thinks that Big Government spending leads to prosperity and a better country is an idiot. A fool. A sorely deficient person of arrested intellectual development. Such people are sheep with a New York Times tucked under his and her woolly little arms on the way to the slaughterhouse; they are burros, donkeys, happily skipping under the yoke to pull burdens their Founding Fathers NEVER INTENDED THEM TO PULL.

BIG GOVERNMENT IS UNAMERICAN. The Federal Government has not the right to regulate your thermostat; the Federal Government has not the right to tell you what kind of health care you should or will have. Those rights were not enumerated in the Constitution to the Federal Government, and demanding legislation in those areas, as Barack Hussein Obama is doing, is an overreach of his job as President.

The President swears to protect and enforce our Constitution. This President is bent on destroying it and our American way of life.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN. Say it, people, over and over again. Put that message on the street. READ THE CONSTITUTION. Turn of your television sets. Put down the New York Times. Tell other people the truth about the United States of America.

The truth is that Big Government is UNAMERICAN.

Big Government leads to poverty. Have you any doubts about that? The biggest example of Big Government was the Soviet Union. They exhausted their national wealth, and perished. Communist China? They went capitalist to keep that from happening to them. What are our investment partners, these erstwhile Chinese Communists telling US today?

THEY'RE TELLING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND THE 111th CONGRESS TO STOP SPENDING UP OUR OUTRAGEOUS AND UNSUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEBT. The Chinese and the Japanese have refused to cover this debt, and we are exposed for 70% of the 1.8 Trillion debt in this fiscal year. Where will that money come from? (Hint, go to your bathroom cabinet and stare into the mirror).

They're telling us, also, that they're proposing a new world currency because of the toxic debt of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In six short months, Barack Hussein Obama and his lapdog 111th Congress have succeeded in satisfying the Communist Party of the United State's own agenda, and has spent us out of the world's economic leadership.

Big Government leads to poverty. American revenues to the Federal Government are at an 85 year low. That means that capital is not producing profit. The Barack Hussein Obama administration added $7 trillion in debt to our ailing economy, and now, with our Japanese and Chinese backers refusing to hold this debt, this 111th Congress will now come after us to pay for the profligate Democrat spending of TARP II, the Omnibus Spending bill PORK FEST, and of course, the Obama budget, the largest in world history.

As if that weren't dire enough, add to that the prospects of Waxman-Markey hidden energy taxes of at least $3,000 per household, and Obama-care with its possible $2.5 trillion per year cost model.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.
It stifles our Freedom, severely limits our liberty, steals our capital and wages from us, and thereby our time. It subtracts wealth. Adam Smith warned about the waste of Big Government.

The American Spirit is about capital venture, entrepreneurism, and profit. Profit is what puts people to work, not government. But Barack Husssein Obama hates profit. Oil Companies should make profits--although their shareholders want them to. Same with insurance companies.

Have you not yet asked yourselves why our President hates profit so much?

He hates profit because he loves Big Government. He hates profit because he was a member of a Communist organization. "White man's greed puts the world in need," he wrote in his autobiography. That didn't offend the sensibilities of our media, but Sara Palin's hunting rifle did.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.
Whoever denies this is your enemy.

Be sure to ask every proponent of Big Government, whether it be Waxman-Markey, or Obamination-care, two simple questions.

ONE--"Do you want less freedom, or more freedom?"
TWO--"Do you want to pay MORE in taxes, or less in taxes?"

Anyone answering yes to both is marching happily to the slaughterhouse, and get out of their way. You don't want to get trapped in that crowd.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN
. Suggested reading: George Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984; The U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Under the Big Top: The ObamaPowell

by James A. Bridge

Who doesn't love a circus?

There is always so much to see, and even strange animals. Here is one I just found. The ObamaPowell.

It is a strange animal indeed, evocative of the Pushme-Pullyou of Dr. Doolittle fame.
The ObamaPowell is an animal that doesn't know whether it's coming or going. But it certainly does look like a Jackass. Not so much like an elephant.

You'd think an ObamaPowell would look more like a Rhino. Republicans In Name Only are evocative of that beast, a dangerous animal that can do damage with it's horn. But, the ObamaPowell is most aptly an iteration of that beast of braying nonsense and horse laughter.

For Colin Powell is no Republican, regardless of how hard he tries to sell himself as such.

Colin Powell disgraced himself while Secretary of State by goring and backstabbing his President, George Bush, at the U.N., particularly over the Kyoto Accords. He has further disgraced his Party by openly supporting Barack Obama, terming him a "moderate", and snubbing the only true moderate in the field, Senator John McCain.

Colin Powell continues to lash out at Republicans and Conservatives, most recently about anyone who calls self-styled "wise latina" Sonia Sotomayaor a racist. A self-proclaimed product of affirmative action, Ms. Sotomayor has made a career out of legislating on race from the bench, and suffered a Supreme Court rebuke for that behavior in the case of the New Haven, Connecticut, firefighters.

Affirmative action is an assertion of racism. You may well say that is is a correction of what may be white racism, but reverse racism is still racism. Giving a thing a proper name should not be problematic. Truth is bracing and liberating. But Mr. Powell doesn't think so.

The news media may continue to roll this wishy-washy hack out as the "Republican voice", but I for one see Colin Powell for what he is. He is a blue-dog Democrat. He is no Republican. He doesn't seem to have one Conservative impulse in him, and Conservatism is the Republicans magnetic north to steer by.

Back-stabbing, irresolute people like Colin Powell aren't fit spokesmen for the Republican Party. The Obama-media will constantly use him, though, because they insist upon sowing dissent amongst the ranks of Conservatives. I, however, am not fooled, nor am I distraught any longer by this clear, marked bias. Opinion polling tells the tale, and America is reacting poorly to the Obama agenda, nor are Republicans and Conservatives as confused and at odds as Colin Powell and is crowd of neo-Copperheads are.

I ask that Colin Powell, take himself hence, please, away from us. If I found myself in fox hole with him, I'd jump out into the teeth of withering machine gun fire. His treachery to party and to a sitting President are legendary. That is why the Press embrace him.

Colin Powell should go to that big circus tent of his, and spend some time studying the ObamaPowell. This new circus beast may offer him insight as to who he really is.

Friday, January 23, 2009

GOP Must Push Back on Obama

by James A. Bridge

Confetti continues to fall on the "Obama Thrills and Chills" parade, and why shouldn't it? Barack Hussein Obama has only been President of the United States for a few days.

But one has to wonder how long the Bush-bashing, biased media corps will continue to offer the chief Democrat political cover.

For as sure as shootin', any "stimulus" plan for this flagging economy that includes deficit spending will drop the market like a stone. Wall Street has already sent its message to the President. In 140+ years, no incoming President has ever been greeted with a lower Wall Street posting.

As if the economy couldn't get worse, add to that the moves already afoot to "green America" and re-ban drilling for oil will send oil prices skyrocketing again.

Will the Press hold him accountable for these circumstances as they arise? We have to wonder. A little research reveals that there are somewhere around 115,000 print and broadcast media journalists in the United States. Polls of journalists reveal that 75% of them adhere to a Liberal political philosophy or are Democrats. Look back to Campaign 2008, when 75% of all stories were about Barack Hussein Obama, and all becomes clear.

We are watching, we who did not back Obama, we who know Obama wasn't "elected to unite us all." But where is the Press?

We heard a chirrup of "Obama was elected to unite us all" from several columnists, Maureen Dowd for one, who must be taking her columns directly from Rahm Emanuel's press releases. Let's not forget for a moment that 57 million people did not vote for an Obama presidency, Maureen. Yes, this election was a landslide from an electoral college point of view, but it was hardly that in the popular vote. Ten percent more voted for Obama than McCain. Did you forget, too, the 40 million or so who didn't vote? More on that in a future column.

The G.O.P. must confront the specter of Obamanomics, and stop feeling good about the chum tossed upon the ebb-tide waters of Republican political power. Retaining Robert Gates, offering up hawkish Hillary as Secretary of State, and keep General Petraeus in place, indicating General James Jones for National Security Adviser are choices that give comfort to Republicans. This is but an overt play at mollifying the defeated. As welcome as these choices might be, no Republican should be fooled. The following nominations bring some clarity through the Obama-fog: Timothy Geithner--the tax cheat and illegal alien employer; Eric Holder, who was behind the pardons of Bill Ayer's and Berandine Dohrn' s Weather Underground cronies, the F.A.L.N. terrorists, and financial crook Marc Rich--and Leon Pannetta, who all but destroyed the C.I.A. the last time he was in charge.

There are at least 34 reasons why G.O.P. must stand firm aside from all of this: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Utah, Vermont, Washington, and Wisconsin. All of these Class III Senate seats are up for election in 2010.

So, in closing, be pleased, Hawks, with what was offered in the right hand. Studiously observe what is proffered from the left. Push back at every opportunity.

This is the American Way.

saeve porro, nunquam cedeo

Thursday, January 1, 2009

President-Elect LIAR: He's No Whistle-blower

The trail of lies of Barack Hussein Obama is so legendary that it has become almost too much to process.

Both Obama bashers and Obama supporters have been still in the almost nuclear aftermath of the Rod Blagojevich scandal. "I did not have contact with Governor Blagojevich's office,"; quoth Barack Hussein Obama. And of course, we knew with that utterance two things.

ONE: President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama is a liar. Who didn't know that immediately? It was his own Senate seat, after all. His first impulse was to LIE to us all. And why not? It has, until now, worked so well for him.
TWO: President-Elect Barack Hussein Obama is not the whistle-blower we'd hoped he would be in the Blagojevich affair. Instead, he might be a subject of the investigation.

So we usher in to American History the potentially already gored and hamstrung Presidency of a man whose past was shielded from us by an obvious promise of cover from the news "machers" at the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Tribune Corporation, from CNN, from MSNBC, from ABC, NBC, CBS and countless others.

Why the silence everywhere about it, from Right and Left?

From the Conservative side, the 56 million who saw through his fraudulent persona as "change agent"; are waiting for the other shoe to drop.

Conservatives wanted a fair examination of Obama's murky and dubious past and never got it. Because that check would have taken us to Springfield, Illinois, and to Barack Hussein Obama's role in Blagojevich's re-election campaign in 2006. If Barack Hussein Obama didn't know the extent of Blagojevich's legendary corruption at that time, then he is truly the stupidest person ever to graduate from Harvard Law.

Instead, the Bush-hating gatekeepers of our disgraced main stream media and entertainment industries threw millions at Wasilla, Alaska, to find some kind of dirt on Sara Palin. Governor Palin was the object of that thorough vetting, she who ran for office against her OWN party as a
reformer; she who blew the whistle on corruption within government through the oil industry. Obama? He wasn't the whistle-blower, Jesse Jackson Jr. was. But he should have been.

From the Liberal side there is also silence. There, where a coalition of 9 million of disaffected moderates who hated either the economic swoon, John McCain, Sara Palin, or George Bush, joined with 55 million Liberals to bring the Democratic Party to the White House once again, they are afraid to breathe. Why? Because the initial reactions from the Wall Street Journal gives us the hint that a section of the gatekeeper mafia may want the truth of the Blagojevich affair to be fully aired.

There is no avoiding this much: Tony Rezko, who gave Barack Hussein Obama his mansion for a song, will be heard from again (speaking of singing). (Wasn't it just revealed that Rezko's lawyer is actually the owner of record of the Obama mansion?)

For Barack Hussein Obama, the road to the White House should have led thousands of reporters through Blago-land and the South Side of Chicago, should have caused the Press to examine the connections of Barack Hussein Obama to anti-White racism in his and his wife's own words and deeds, along with his associations with William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn and Reverend Wright, ACORN, and all their doings with the Annenberg Challenge Grant. The Press should have asked Barack Hussein Obama, "why did you say in your autobiography that 'white man's greed puts the world in need', Mr. Obama?"; They did not ask that. They didn't say to Barack Hussein Obama: "Mr. Obama, you corrected your own record at least four times on whether or how long you have know Bill Ayers and Bernadnine Dohrn. Why were you not able to be truthful to the American people in this matter?"

We may finally get answers to these questions now. but the appropriate time for this was during the campaign season. But truth in reporting was on holiday, then. The Press, instead of asking the hard questions, was too busy making history in a wanton abuse of its power to influence us all.

Now, we may have to face an Obama Presidency that has a built in timer of scandal and disaster. U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald is doing the work that the Tribune Corporation should have done. But he won't be asking the state of Illinois for sweetheart deals like Tribune did.