Thursday, October 30, 2008

Tribune Corp. Covers L.A.Times Tape Cover-up

Weitman, Gary wrote: (Tribune Media Relations)
> Thanks for your email. I appreciate your concern regarding this issue. I want to direct your attention to an article that appears in today's Los Angeles Times and offers an explanation for the newspaper's decision not to publish the videotape.
> Gary Weitman
> McCain campaign accuses L.A. Times of 'suppressing' Obama video

Mr. Weitman,

I am pleased to have heard from you. I thank you very much for the response. Of course, I understand a news organization's commitment to its sources.

However, who said you aren't protecting your source? If this person is a Muslim and is afraid of reprisals, he or she must already certainly be under suspicion, simply because of the acknowledged existence of said video.

What this amounts to, sir, is that you have that video in safe-keeping for your source.

The clear implication is that you all at Tribune know the content of the tape, and it will viscerally damage the endorsed candidate of the Los Angeles Times.

Sir, you cannot be blind to the helping hand your brethren in the media continue to give Barack Obama. Here you would suppress evidence of a clear pro-Arab/Muslim bias in his core value system, and stand peaceably by as the ritual denunciations of Jews and Israel rang through the room? A video that will also reveal William Ayers in close proximity? Wouldn't you also find the allegation that Rashid Khalidi, a front man for Saudi money and known terrorist, wrote a recommendation letter for a young Barack Obama in his entrance to Columbia University?

Mr. Weitman, think for a moment about what you may have done here in continuing to run cover for Barack Obama--and what Tribune Corporation has allowed Barack Obama to get away with under your very noses in Chicago. I still want to know what Obama and Ayers were doing with that Annenberg Challenge money. Ayers said he and Obama were telling kids "what this country is really all about." I, Mr. Weitman, think YOU owe me an accounting of what that message may have been and is. Some of that money went to alternative schools associated with Reverend Wright. I found what that message may have been in Barack Obama's own autobiography, now widely believed to have been largely written by the man Barack Obama didn't know, William Ayers. "White man's greed puts the world in need."

You let a man run for President without chopping him into splinters, who wrote in his recent autobiography that white people generically are responsible for need in the world?

You wouldn't write that story? I guess not, because, Mr. Weitman, when you have had sufficient opportunity, you didn't.

No, Tribune Corporation didn't write that story. You didn't pursue his association with a man with him in that video, that is, William Ayers. He is the man who isn't sorry for any of his bombings nor for the Brinks Job in 1981 in which Peter Paige, Brinks guard, and Nyack cops Ed O'Grady and Waverly Brown, all fathers and all veterans of the armed services of our country, were murdered by the well-trained, well-armed urban guerrillas of the Weather Underground and Black Panthers. Ayers may have well masterminded that job. He and cohort Bernadine Dohrn raised the son of two of the people convicted of the massacre and robbery. I guess they knew the perpetrators well, eh?

This willful cover you run for Barack Obama in this matter, and have run for the past two years, is tantamount to conspiracy, Mr. Weitman. And you know it.

You are not allowing the American people a true, clear picture of who Barack Obama is, because you of the Press this campaign season have refused to demand of him direct answers, and have refused to hold him responsible and accountable for his at this point countless untruths and misspoken facts. You then are abetting someone who may have disingenuously represented himself.

A bit of fantasy: Consider, sir, if the Republican nominee, a fictitious Senator Schiessman, had spent 20 years in the association of a White Supremacist pastor....? Would he have a career at all in politics? Perhaps. Compound that to include a best friend who was an unrepentant bomber of abortion clinics. No, you would have destroyed him there. But wait, there is more! He got a real-estate gift worth at least $350,000 from a man who was recently convicted of corruption! You know, buying votes for gifts. Senator Schiessman worked for and helped train a network of radical right Christian fundamentalists, who have been not only community organizing, but actually conspiring to defraud voter rolls throughout America! Eight years ago Schiessman likens the United States to Communist China, and explains how he plans to redistribute wealth from the Middle Class to the Christian right! Then, there is the rumor of a video tape of Senator Schiessman some years ago at a Neo-Nazi rally, with Adolf Eichman's son. And throughout it all, in this fantasy world, Schiessman's birth certificate seems to have been, well, altered. There are rumors that his father, a reported underling of Klaus Barbie and in hiding in South America, and that Senator Schiessman may have himself actually been born to an American mother in Paraguay.

Finally, to close out this fiction, there is that quote in his autobiography, "blacks and Jews, who ever you chose you lose."

Ha! Schiessman, with all that in his dossier, would have been excoriated and eviscerated by reporters and editors of the Tribune Corporation's wide net of media outlets. Yet this fiction is a mirror of Barack Obama's past and present, and you apparently support him despite all of this deleterious luggage.

Since you and I both know that you would have sent your locusts out in hordes to lay bare the fictitious Senator Schiessman, I accuse you of outright class warfare. You, in NOT pursuing the story where ever it leads, are shielding a man you have a political affinity for, are attacking all of us who want to know THE TRUTH ABOUT BARACK OBAMA. You are directing the impetus of your staff, and in that action, you have committed this act of aggression against your own country for you own personal political aims.

I cannot think of a more despicable act in the sphere of journalism. Do you not remember how two reporters in the 1970s took a Presidency to pieces to find where its corruption lay? Is this the legacy of Woodward and Bernstein? Or, tell me, was it really ever only about attacking a Republican or a non-Liberal? Deep throat, indeed. Who said it? "I've seen the enemy, and they are us."

Do the right thing, Mr. Weitman. Give the American people that tape to digest, and please, get back to the work of finding news that is naked of bias. Given the history of your Press Corps in Chicago alone, you have your work cut out for you.


James A. Bridge
Loud and True

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Brinks Job and Obama--and Unrepentent Terrorists

Unrepentent means "I'm proud I did it and I'd do it again."

The Weather Underground and William Ayers bombed the Capitol, the Pentagon, and Police Headquarters in N.Y.C. William Ayers scoffs at our country, laughs at how simple it was for him to escape justice. He is, in his own words, without remorse and unrepentent. That means, that he STILL feels that way today.

Further, he has said, he wishes he had done more..

More? We all know at this point that William Ayers launched the political career of Barack Obama. They're well-connected in Democratic Party of Chicago. Have they done more than that?

Perhaps they have done more than launching the career of Barack Obama, who took money from felonious land develope and influence peddler Tony Rezko. Perhaps they achieved more than even "mere" bombings. How about the Brinks Job in Nyack, NY, on October 20, 1981?

The Weather Underground, in concert with the Black Panthers on October 20, 1981, murdered Brinks guard Peter Paige and made a widow of his wife, Josephine, and orphaned his children, Susan, 19, Michael, 16, and Peter, 9.

The Weather Underground, in concert with the Black Panthers on October 20, 1981, murdered black police officer Waverly Brown, orphaning his daughters and a son, and leaving his mother, whom he helped in her garden, to live the remainder of her life without him.

The Weather Underground, in concert with the Black Panthers on October 20, 1981, murdered Edward O'Grady, widowing his wife and leaving her with three children young children, a son Edward, Jr., age six, and two daughters Patricia, age two and Kimberly, age 6 months.

The robbery was well-organized, the terrorists were well-armed, had body armor, and shot to kill. At least one of the dead men was shot at point-blank range when down.

William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were clearly connected to this event, as founders of the Weather Underground.

Their connections go pretty far, further even than creating the Weather Underground, for they knew the perpetrators well enough to have raised the son--Chesa Boudin--of two people convicted in the Nyack massacre: Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert.

But this isn't about Chesa Boudin, who has expressed remorse about the actions of his parents.

This is about his foster-parents' connection to a burglary that wasn't just a burglary. It was a military action, with training and equipment that nullified the police officers' fire-power, complete with execution-style point-blank murder of the wounded.

You can read the a gripping account of this terror-driven burglary at, and read about the Paige, O'Grady and Brown--veterans all--at You'll read about Joe Trombino, shot up but surviving the gun fight with the terrorists, only to fall on 9/11 2001 at the W.T.C. to another breed of America-hating terrorists.

People have been telling me that Americans are so jaded that they "don't care" about Obama's connection to a terrorist like William Ayers, a man proud of the destruction he committed, and perhaps even murder.

What does that say about us, as a people? I don't want my President linked via friendship to the murder of three cops and veterans of our armed services!

Do you?

One had to wonder about the Che Guevara posters everywhere in the Obama campaign. "Where did this come from, a new kind of Democrat who is a Guevara communist? Can it be true?"

Look no further than Nyack, New York, October 20, 1981, when the club that William Ayers built, the Weather Underground, murdered three Veterans of the Navy, Army and Air Force.