Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big Government is UNAMERICAN

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.

Our President is at war with....US. With us, the PEOPLE; with US, the country. His Big Government policies and spending have shipwrecked our economy, and he is about to seize control of our lives but forcing public option health care down our throats, and put Federal Government regulators in charge of your thermostats.

We must stop this attack upon the very fabric of our society. Our founders told us in 1776, and they put in writing by 1793. Big Government is UNAMERICAN, they said.

President Barack Hussein Obama's policies are borne out of the New Party, a Communist organization he was a member of in the 1990s. In fact, the American Communist Party is very pleased with the accomplishments of the Obama administration and this disgraceful 111th Congress. Take a look here.

Should we be concerned that the Communist Party applauds the work of this President? You had damn well better be. COMMUNISM IS UNAMERICAN. THEY WANT TO TAKE FROM US EVERY FREEDOM THAT YOU AND I HAVE. If you have any doubts about that, you haven't been paying attention to World History.

The only time a Communist and an American President should EVER be on the same page MIGHT be if Martians attack.

I said MIGHT.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN, and President Barack Hussein Obama is the most UNAMERICAN president in American history.

Because 1775 and 1776 were all about throwing off the reign and chains of totalitarian government. Any advocate of an overarching, all-powerful centralized national government doesn't understand the most basic elements of being an AMERICAN. Any such advocate who thinks he or she is doing the right thing for America by espousing Big Government polices is actually undermining what we are as a country.

And any American who thinks that Big Government spending leads to prosperity and a better country is an idiot. A fool. A sorely deficient person of arrested intellectual development. Such people are sheep with a New York Times tucked under his and her woolly little arms on the way to the slaughterhouse; they are burros, donkeys, happily skipping under the yoke to pull burdens their Founding Fathers NEVER INTENDED THEM TO PULL.

BIG GOVERNMENT IS UNAMERICAN. The Federal Government has not the right to regulate your thermostat; the Federal Government has not the right to tell you what kind of health care you should or will have. Those rights were not enumerated in the Constitution to the Federal Government, and demanding legislation in those areas, as Barack Hussein Obama is doing, is an overreach of his job as President.

The President swears to protect and enforce our Constitution. This President is bent on destroying it and our American way of life.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN. Say it, people, over and over again. Put that message on the street. READ THE CONSTITUTION. Turn of your television sets. Put down the New York Times. Tell other people the truth about the United States of America.

The truth is that Big Government is UNAMERICAN.

Big Government leads to poverty. Have you any doubts about that? The biggest example of Big Government was the Soviet Union. They exhausted their national wealth, and perished. Communist China? They went capitalist to keep that from happening to them. What are our investment partners, these erstwhile Chinese Communists telling US today?

THEY'RE TELLING BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA AND THE 111th CONGRESS TO STOP SPENDING UP OUR OUTRAGEOUS AND UNSUSTAINABLE NATIONAL DEBT. The Chinese and the Japanese have refused to cover this debt, and we are exposed for 70% of the 1.8 Trillion debt in this fiscal year. Where will that money come from? (Hint, go to your bathroom cabinet and stare into the mirror).

They're telling us, also, that they're proposing a new world currency because of the toxic debt of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. In six short months, Barack Hussein Obama and his lapdog 111th Congress have succeeded in satisfying the Communist Party of the United State's own agenda, and has spent us out of the world's economic leadership.

Big Government leads to poverty. American revenues to the Federal Government are at an 85 year low. That means that capital is not producing profit. The Barack Hussein Obama administration added $7 trillion in debt to our ailing economy, and now, with our Japanese and Chinese backers refusing to hold this debt, this 111th Congress will now come after us to pay for the profligate Democrat spending of TARP II, the Omnibus Spending bill PORK FEST, and of course, the Obama budget, the largest in world history.

As if that weren't dire enough, add to that the prospects of Waxman-Markey hidden energy taxes of at least $3,000 per household, and Obama-care with its possible $2.5 trillion per year cost model.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.
It stifles our Freedom, severely limits our liberty, steals our capital and wages from us, and thereby our time. It subtracts wealth. Adam Smith warned about the waste of Big Government.

The American Spirit is about capital venture, entrepreneurism, and profit. Profit is what puts people to work, not government. But Barack Husssein Obama hates profit. Oil Companies should make profits--although their shareholders want them to. Same with insurance companies.

Have you not yet asked yourselves why our President hates profit so much?

He hates profit because he loves Big Government. He hates profit because he was a member of a Communist organization. "White man's greed puts the world in need," he wrote in his autobiography. That didn't offend the sensibilities of our media, but Sara Palin's hunting rifle did.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN.
Whoever denies this is your enemy.

Be sure to ask every proponent of Big Government, whether it be Waxman-Markey, or Obamination-care, two simple questions.

ONE--"Do you want less freedom, or more freedom?"
TWO--"Do you want to pay MORE in taxes, or less in taxes?"

Anyone answering yes to both is marching happily to the slaughterhouse, and get out of their way. You don't want to get trapped in that crowd.

Big Government is UNAMERICAN
. Suggested reading: George Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984; The U.S. Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence.

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