by James A. Bridge
Who doesn't love a circus?
There is always so much to see, and even strange animals. Here is one I just found. The ObamaPowell.

It is a strange animal indeed, evocative of the Pushme-Pullyou of Dr. Doolittle fame.
The ObamaPowell is an animal that doesn't know whether it's coming or going. But it certainly does look like a Jackass. Not so much like an elephant.

You'd think an ObamaPowell would look more like a Rhino. Republicans In Name Only are evocative of that beast, a dangerous animal that can do damage with it's horn. But, the ObamaPowell is most aptly an iteration of that beast of braying nonsense and horse laughter.
For Colin Powell is no Republican, regardless of how hard he tries to sell himself as such.
Colin Powell disgraced himself while Secretary of State by goring and backstabbing his President, George Bush, at the U.N., particularly over the Kyoto Accords. He has further disgraced his Party by openly supporting Barack Obama, terming him a "moderate", and snubbing the only true moderate in the field, Senator John McCain.
Colin Powell continues to lash out at Republicans and Conservatives, most recently about anyone who calls self-styled "wise latina" Sonia Sotomayaor a racist. A self-proclaimed product of affirmative action, Ms. Sotomayor has made a career out of legislating on race from the bench, and suffered a Supreme Court rebuke for that behavior in the case of the New Haven, Connecticut, firefighters.
Affirmative action is an assertion of racism. You may well say that is is a correction of what may be white racism, but reverse racism is still racism. Giving a thing a proper name should not be problematic. Truth is bracing and liberating. But Mr. Powell doesn't think so.
The news media may continue to roll this wishy-washy hack out as the "Republican voice", but I for one see Colin Powell for what he is. He is a blue-dog Democrat. He is no Republican. He doesn't seem to have one Conservative impulse in him, and Conservatism is the Republicans magnetic north to steer by.
Back-stabbing, irresolute people like Colin Powell aren't fit spokesmen for the Republican Party. The Obama-media will constantly use him, though, because they insist upon sowing dissent amongst the ranks of Conservatives. I, however, am not fooled, nor am I distraught any longer by this clear, marked bias. Opinion polling tells the tale, and America is reacting poorly to the Obama agenda, nor are Republicans and Conservatives as confused and at odds as Colin Powell and is crowd of neo-Copperheads are.
I ask that Colin Powell, take himself hence, please, away from us. If I found myself in fox hole with him, I'd jump out into the teeth of withering machine gun fire. His treachery to party and to a sitting President are legendary. That is why the Press embrace him.
Colin Powell should go to that big circus tent of his, and spend some time studying the ObamaPowell. This new circus beast may offer him insight as to who he really is.
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