by James A. Bridge
The assault upon our American Liberty by the 111th Congress and the President of the United States has brought an outpouring of Americans everywhere of reaction and warning to our Federal Government.
The message is this: You have not the right to undo our way of life because of an elective majority. You have sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution. To break your word is to invalidate your power.
Don't Tread On Me was the Colonist's answer 230 years ago and more. They followed up their sentiments with musket ball and bayonet.

We've reached a time to define the expression “Don't Tread On Me”. Let me be clear, though. I speak for myself, and not in the name of any group, nor for any other person. I speak to all who endorse the assault upon our freedom, who work to destroy the founding document of our nation, that which all of our elected officials and military swear to uphold above all things: the Constitution of the United States of America.
My message to you and query is this: Are you prepared to give your lives to expand the national government into our homes, into our living room, into our bedrooms and kitchens?
For, friends and family, if this assault upon the very fabric our nation continues, this nation will erupt into civil war. If this occurs, I swear to you that I will side with the Founders of our country, who plainly laid out in writings and correspondence that this day might come. These great men thought they had every angle covered.
But they miscalculated in one place: They thought that the sworn commitment of our elected officials would never be perfidiously offered; they believed that one would rather die than break an oath.
Our founders didn't see into our time, when so many people give their word lightly.
So many of our elected officials have broken their word to uphold our Constitution. They have lied to us. They continue to lie to us. What James Madison, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams Cotton Mather and the rest of them set out to protect us from—pervasive and autocratic government—is about to set upon us like the darkest night this great nation has ever seen.
So, I swear, in their name, and with hand on heart, I swear I will put my life on the line to defend our Liberty. I will fight against the enemies of our nation, within and without its borders, and I swear that I will put my life on the line for the Constitution of the United States of America.

I own no guns or other weapons. But I promise you, if that battlefield unfolds around me, I'll be at the front of the forces of Liberty. Though I might recognize some of you across the way as family and friends, I swear to you, in the name of Liberty and the Constitution of the United States of America, I will put my life between you and that which I hold dearer than life, and strike at you with every weapon I have, without remorse,
semper porro, numquam cedere!