(Overheard in the Obama Bunker: )
(knock)"Mr. President-elect Obama? Sir?
(knock) "Hello? Sir? Sir, this is important.
(muffled voice) "Sir, there's a war going on....
(muffled interrogative) "Yes, there's a war in the Middle East, sir. Yes
sir. War. Israel and the Palestinians, sir. Hamas, actually. Who's
winning? (cough) Are you pulling my leg, sir? You are such a kidder.
Sorry, sir. Sir, the (pause) WORLD (pause) is kind of waiting for
something from you.
(muffled talk) "What was that? What _would_ Bush do? Which one, sir?
"Oh, sorry, sir. I was trying to lighten the moment.
(muffled talk) "What _did_ Bush do? Oh, I see now. Sir, he told Hamas
to fold their list of complaints against the Zionist State and jam it
all into a really dark place within their persons, sir.
(muffled reproof, louder) "I'm sorry sir, I was paraphrasing. Sir,
could you come out?
(muffled talking) "Yes, sir, your meeting with your lawyer is very
(muffled talking) "Yes sir, I know he bills $1,000 an hour. But don't
you have that web-funding thing going on?
(bumping, muffled talking) "Sorry, sir, I didn't know that was a
sensitive area.
(louder muffled talking) "I said I was sorry, sir.
(muffled interrogative) "How do you pronounce what, sir? Sir? Oh,
Ahmadinejad, sir. Akkhhhh--yes sir, like gargling. ....mad....good
sir. ....in....ay.....yad. No sir, no "j" sound.
(banging, talking, muffled) "Well, sir, he's not so happy. I think
he'd like to hear from you.
(muffled interrogative) "Sir, he sent you Christmas greetings. You
could say something.
(muffled talking) "Sir, they all say "death to America". Even the
Europeans do that.
(banging muffled talking) "Sir? You want to speak to Senator McCain?
Sir, don't you think we should huddle up with Speaker Pelosi first?
(louder muffled remonstrance) "Sir, I think that is going too far. She's
not that ugly.
(muffled laughter) "Ha ha! Got me there, sir. She is that, certainly.
Sir, Senate Majority leader Reid ain't so happy, neither.
(banging muffled yelling) "Sir, I can't tell him that. Besides, you
can't do that with a phone.
(muffled interrogative) "No, sir, I don't think this is going to blow
over. Look sir, can you send Emanuel out?
(fierce muffled yelling) "Safe house where sir?
(banging) "Sorry, sir, of course, if you told me, then it wouldn't be
safe. What should I do?
(muffled interrogative) "If it's McCain you want, I'll get him.
(muffled talking) "Yes sir, he really did say on TV that you were an
honorable man.
(muffled interrogative) "Yes, sir, we have the tape. I'll send it
over. Yes, I can loop it. Yes, really forever. Yes, sir, over and over
(muffled thanks) "You are welcome, sir. Sir, how is that Illinois thing
progressing? Did Governor Blagojevich really ask for a million dollars
for that seat?
(banging, muffled yelling) "Sorry sir! Sorry! I'm out....
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
"Deep Throat" and Press Integrity Die
Mark Felt, Farewell...and A Few Questions

Farewell, Mark Felt. You were a hero. You've left for another place. You held high values of honor and of loyalty to the Constitution, rather than just to a man or a boss. I salute the patriot who has passed, who dared alert the Press to a corruption in a Presidency that needed scrutiny.
But, Mark, I wish I could have had a chance to speak with you about where the bulldogs of the Press were in 2008, and where they chose to go and not to go. Press integrity seems to have died with you. For a man will be President in a matter of weeks who is associated with political gangsters in Illinois, with Weather Underground terrorists, with anti-Semitic PLO spokesmen, and with black racists and racism. But the the Press wouldn't follow those stories Mark, and I'm wondering, as I remember your "Deep Throat" chapter in American History, I'm wondering how this could have happened. Only Aaron Burr had worse associations--he most likely was in the pay of the Spanish government. But let me get back to the point.
Mark, your role came during the Nixon Presidency. I remember it clearly. I had returned to the United States in August of 1968 after two years in Asia. I remember being scared and shaken by the shooting of James Meredith, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. America was at war with something within itself, I saw from afar in Bangkok with an odd war nearby in Vietnam raging.
The sixties spilled into the seventies like a bunch of drunks into the streets at closing time. Bad clothes, bad hair, bad politics. An emboldened Left marched even further Left, keeping company with Communists and terrorists, screaming Stop The War and picking fights with law and order on college campuses all around the country. Kent State erupted in tragic riot and gunfire on May 4th, 1970
that killed four students, widening the rift between generations and Political Parties. Then, came the Presidential Campaign of 1972.
Mark, you then gave us the expurgation that was the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, though it would be decades before we knew you. The Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein
put the heat on the President. He was forced resign the Presidency in disgrace. The War finally over, we had a hangover from it all including a fuel crisis from our friends the Arabs. A White Knight called Jimmy Carter to make it all better in 1976. What a disaster that turned out to be.
The Post's efforts to get at the truth and the movie that followed seemed to give America back it's soul. We didn't want a scheming, conniving, law-breaking tyrant in the White House. The Press would fight for us. As Hollywood indicates in Three Days of the Condor, when minor CIA contractor Joseph Turner a.k.a. Condor played by dashing Robert Redford, from the James Grady story, lets evil assassin G. Joubert played by Max von Sydow know that he is about to tell all to the New York Times...
Fast Forward here, Mark. What a different world it is in 2008. The Press corps flipped for Barack Obama like never before in history. Senator John McCain named Sara Palin, Governor of Alaska as his running mate, and the Press stormed her home town of Wasilla, Alaska, turning over stones for weeks and weeks, looking for...something, anything to topple her positive affect upon the McCain campaign.
Why else?
Meanwhile, in 2008 in Springfield Illinois, the man Barack Obama helped re-elect, Rod Blagojevich,
was miring himself deeper and deeper in the legendary political corruption of that state, completely without any press scrutiny, as he merrily marched to his destined date with the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week, when he was arrested and charged with corruption.
Why, Mark? The only thing I can come up with is this: Blagojevich and all the elements of Barack Obama's Illinois origins were off-limits, because it would have damaged the Democratic Nominee had the truth of the extent of corruption in Illinois and Chicago ever come out.
The Press corps wanted a change in the White House--a change of Party. Obama was their darling from the beginning, ignoring and dissing political heavy weight Hillary Clinton, junior Senator from New York, all the while legitimizing Barack Obama's nasty baggage.
Mark, there was so much to look at, too. We have Obama's lies and about-faces with his past associations with self-confessed and un-repentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn:
1. I don't know them. 2. They're just some people in the neighborhood. 3. I know them. 4. They did things once that I don't agree with. 5. I thought they were "rehabilitated." Bernadine Dohrn once said of the Manson murders: "Dig it! First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into the victim's stomach! Wild!"
Mark, we are all saddled now with a President who will be linked forever with that utterance, and we along with that have a Press corps that neither understands nor cares that someone connected to such statements should never be associated with the office of the Presidency.
Ms. Dohrn, though, wasn't done in the 60s and 70s, nor was husband Bill. She became wanted for questioning in the Nyack Brinks Job,
in which the Weather Underground and Black Panthers murdered three veterans of the American military, one a Brinks Security Guard, Peter Paige 49, father of three, and Nyack police officers Waverly Brown, 45 father of two, and Ed O'Grady 33, father of three (O'Grady-Brown Memorial Fund). The terrorists were well armed and had body armor. Brown was shot at close range with a 9mm pistol as he lay wounded. She refused to cooperate, and fled, leading to her warrant of arrest. Ultimately she wasn't charged. But interesting that she was in New York at the time, according to many reports. Even more interesting was the adoption of the child of two of the convicted bank robbers. Two founding members of the Weather Underground, adopting a child of fellow group members, but having nothing to do with the crime? They had something to do with it, if for no other reason than having founded the group.
So, Mark, we have a president-elect with such friends. Interesting it is, too, that the Brinks Job plan was among other things to distribute money to black causes and organizations. Kind of what Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and the Dohrn/Ayers' were doing with that Annenberg Grant money. Bill Ayers said about that project to set up "alternative" educational opportunities in Chicago the wanted to tell those young black people "what this country is really all about."
Mark, I'm wondering, why didn't the Press scour those neighborhoods and find out what Reverend Wright, Ayers, and the Obamas were telling those children?
You talked about honor, and honoring the Constitution in explaining your "Deep Throat" role, Mark. What does America care of that, today? In New York, the sitting governor is David Paterson, a legally blind black man. He took office when faux crusader Eliot Spitzer was caught with a high-priced hooker. But Paterson admits immediately that he was having it off with state employees, and that he had given jobs to some of them.

That was in May. Still no calls for his resignation from the New York Times, who was poised there with Robert Redford in 1975 to save us from mad-dog CIA killers; nor from the Washington Post, who in reality took a law-breaking U.S. President out.
Mark, perhaps even worse is, that David Paterson, who will fill a Senate seat soon, doesn't even understand that he is, by virtue of his admission of peccadillo, unfit to govern. President Elect Barack Obama, who has to check with his attorney to see if he spoke to Governor-gangster Rod Blagojevich about filling his vacant Illinios Senate seat, doesn't understand, either, how inappropriate he is.
For you see, Mark Felt, the Press didn't hold up the mirror for them. And they sold us out, and that means the mad-dog killers and corrupt Politicians are going to get a free ride. Deborah Howell, public ombudsman for the Washington Post, wrote in article headlined "An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage," that "(s)tories and photos about Obama in the news pages outnumbered those devoted to McCain. Post reporters, photographers and editors -- like most of the national news media -- found the candidacy of Obama, the first African-American major-party nominee, more newsworthy and historic."
Historic...and carrying their pre-history around like a loaded gun, they snuffed out the competition and stayed away from the real story, the story of who is Barack Obama, and why does he say in his autobiography that white people's greed puts the world in need, and what was he doing with Governor Rod Blagojevich two years ago, and what was he doing with Reverend Wright for twenty years, and what was he doing with and for Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and what was he doing with Ayers, Dohrn and Rashid Khalidi in that video that the Tribune Corporation buried in its vault?
To hell with all of it, Mark. The Press doesn't know what it's job is anymore. It has become the tool of a political party, and its cornerstone virtues of honor and truth have perished in the transformation.
Rest in peace. Though with that corpse labeled "Press Integrity" next to you, I don't see how you will.

Farewell, Mark Felt. You were a hero. You've left for another place. You held high values of honor and of loyalty to the Constitution, rather than just to a man or a boss. I salute the patriot who has passed, who dared alert the Press to a corruption in a Presidency that needed scrutiny.
But, Mark, I wish I could have had a chance to speak with you about where the bulldogs of the Press were in 2008, and where they chose to go and not to go. Press integrity seems to have died with you. For a man will be President in a matter of weeks who is associated with political gangsters in Illinois, with Weather Underground terrorists, with anti-Semitic PLO spokesmen, and with black racists and racism. But the the Press wouldn't follow those stories Mark, and I'm wondering, as I remember your "Deep Throat" chapter in American History, I'm wondering how this could have happened. Only Aaron Burr had worse associations--he most likely was in the pay of the Spanish government. But let me get back to the point.
Mark, your role came during the Nixon Presidency. I remember it clearly. I had returned to the United States in August of 1968 after two years in Asia. I remember being scared and shaken by the shooting of James Meredith, the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy. America was at war with something within itself, I saw from afar in Bangkok with an odd war nearby in Vietnam raging.
The sixties spilled into the seventies like a bunch of drunks into the streets at closing time. Bad clothes, bad hair, bad politics. An emboldened Left marched even further Left, keeping company with Communists and terrorists, screaming Stop The War and picking fights with law and order on college campuses all around the country. Kent State erupted in tragic riot and gunfire on May 4th, 1970

Mark, you then gave us the expurgation that was the break-in at the Watergate Hotel, though it would be decades before we knew you. The Washington Post's Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein

put the heat on the President. He was forced resign the Presidency in disgrace. The War finally over, we had a hangover from it all including a fuel crisis from our friends the Arabs. A White Knight called Jimmy Carter to make it all better in 1976. What a disaster that turned out to be.
The Post's efforts to get at the truth and the movie that followed seemed to give America back it's soul. We didn't want a scheming, conniving, law-breaking tyrant in the White House. The Press would fight for us. As Hollywood indicates in Three Days of the Condor, when minor CIA contractor Joseph Turner a.k.a. Condor played by dashing Robert Redford, from the James Grady story, lets evil assassin G. Joubert played by Max von Sydow know that he is about to tell all to the New York Times...
Fast Forward here, Mark. What a different world it is in 2008. The Press corps flipped for Barack Obama like never before in history. Senator John McCain named Sara Palin, Governor of Alaska as his running mate, and the Press stormed her home town of Wasilla, Alaska, turning over stones for weeks and weeks, looking for...something, anything to topple her positive affect upon the McCain campaign.
Why else?
Meanwhile, in 2008 in Springfield Illinois, the man Barack Obama helped re-elect, Rod Blagojevich,

Why, Mark? The only thing I can come up with is this: Blagojevich and all the elements of Barack Obama's Illinois origins were off-limits, because it would have damaged the Democratic Nominee had the truth of the extent of corruption in Illinois and Chicago ever come out.
The Press corps wanted a change in the White House--a change of Party. Obama was their darling from the beginning, ignoring and dissing political heavy weight Hillary Clinton, junior Senator from New York, all the while legitimizing Barack Obama's nasty baggage.
Mark, there was so much to look at, too. We have Obama's lies and about-faces with his past associations with self-confessed and un-repentant terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn:

Mark, we are all saddled now with a President who will be linked forever with that utterance, and we along with that have a Press corps that neither understands nor cares that someone connected to such statements should never be associated with the office of the Presidency.
Ms. Dohrn, though, wasn't done in the 60s and 70s, nor was husband Bill. She became wanted for questioning in the Nyack Brinks Job,

So, Mark, we have a president-elect with such friends. Interesting it is, too, that the Brinks Job plan was among other things to distribute money to black causes and organizations. Kind of what Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and the Dohrn/Ayers' were doing with that Annenberg Grant money. Bill Ayers said about that project to set up "alternative" educational opportunities in Chicago the wanted to tell those young black people "what this country is really all about."
Mark, I'm wondering, why didn't the Press scour those neighborhoods and find out what Reverend Wright, Ayers, and the Obamas were telling those children?
You talked about honor, and honoring the Constitution in explaining your "Deep Throat" role, Mark. What does America care of that, today? In New York, the sitting governor is David Paterson, a legally blind black man. He took office when faux crusader Eliot Spitzer was caught with a high-priced hooker. But Paterson admits immediately that he was having it off with state employees, and that he had given jobs to some of them.

That was in May. Still no calls for his resignation from the New York Times, who was poised there with Robert Redford in 1975 to save us from mad-dog CIA killers; nor from the Washington Post, who in reality took a law-breaking U.S. President out.
Mark, perhaps even worse is, that David Paterson, who will fill a Senate seat soon, doesn't even understand that he is, by virtue of his admission of peccadillo, unfit to govern. President Elect Barack Obama, who has to check with his attorney to see if he spoke to Governor-gangster Rod Blagojevich about filling his vacant Illinios Senate seat, doesn't understand, either, how inappropriate he is.
For you see, Mark Felt, the Press didn't hold up the mirror for them. And they sold us out, and that means the mad-dog killers and corrupt Politicians are going to get a free ride. Deborah Howell, public ombudsman for the Washington Post, wrote in article headlined "An Obama Tilt in Campaign Coverage," that "(s)tories and photos about Obama in the news pages outnumbered those devoted to McCain. Post reporters, photographers and editors -- like most of the national news media -- found the candidacy of Obama, the first African-American major-party nominee, more newsworthy and historic."
Historic...and carrying their pre-history around like a loaded gun, they snuffed out the competition and stayed away from the real story, the story of who is Barack Obama, and why does he say in his autobiography that white people's greed puts the world in need, and what was he doing with Governor Rod Blagojevich two years ago, and what was he doing with Reverend Wright for twenty years, and what was he doing with and for Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, and what was he doing with Ayers, Dohrn and Rashid Khalidi in that video that the Tribune Corporation buried in its vault?
To hell with all of it, Mark. The Press doesn't know what it's job is anymore. It has become the tool of a political party, and its cornerstone virtues of honor and truth have perished in the transformation.
Rest in peace. Though with that corpse labeled "Press Integrity" next to you, I don't see how you will.
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