Thursday, November 13, 2008

Turn in Corrupt Editors for $$$

Time to be Part of the Deal--of HONEST REPORTING

Journalists of America, I encourage you now to stand up and tell us the truth. Not by pointing at Reader Representatives, like those of the Washington Post and MSNBC, who admitted there was "tilted" coverage toward Barack Obama in the recently completed Presidential Campaign 2008.

As a former newspaperman who worked for Malcolm Forbes, I can tell you that a media slant of the enormity of this past presidential campaign doesn't happen by accident.

You of the Media fooled no one as many polls revealed that people recognized your bias. But you may have influenced many when you hid from us or refused to probe Barack Obama's dangerous past association with black racists like Reverend Wright, and with communists and anti-American anti-Semitic terrorists like Rashid Khalidi, Bernadine Dohrn and William Ayers. You didn't expose Obama's continuing body of lies about these association, so bent and purposed you were on keeping the Republicans from retaining the White House.

Some of you may have not known better, others of you were willing participants (yeah, you, "Hardball" Matthews, you pathetic leg-chillin' hack of a "journalist"). But now that you've had your way with us, it is time for you to do the right thing and put names to those invisible people who directed the bias of Campaign 2008.

Who told you to give Barack Obama a pass on his past associations? Who told you not to dig into them? Who told you to ignore McCain, and to savage Governor Palin? Who outright took incentive money from the Barack Obamam campaign to give him the coverage he wanted?

Go on the record and tell us if your Editor, Publisher or News Director, or any other Corporate Officer gave you or anyone else you know direct orders to either intentionally skew coverage in favor of the Obama campaign or to go easy on him. If you know of kickbacks to reporters from the Democratic Party, from A.C.O.R.N., or from the Obama campaign itself for biased or protective coverage, we want to know, too.


America wants the names of these people. Time to do the patriotic thing, get into the game, be part of the deal--of HONESTY in Reporting.

All of your cannot be corrupt. Many of you probably knew the biased reportage was wrong, even if you had planned to vote for Obama.

Contact me at, or communicate with me in private via my Facebook account, James A. Bridge. Verifiable journalists with a real story to tell will be reward-eligible.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Yes You Can

When you've worked hard to keep the candidate who won from getting there, it can be a very dark day, indeed.

However large the disappointment in the outcome of the 2008 Presidential election for McCain backers like myself, we must all embrace the symbolic achievement of the accession of a man of color to the Presidency of the United States.

Whether this is the right man (and he's not), or whether the campaign coverage was fair and balanced (and it wasn't) is all fodder for a different day. Today is the day to tell all Americans that there is nothing you cannot achieve in this country. (You don't even have to be honest.)

As I told my High School History classes yesterday, "No matter who you wanted to win, the fact remains that America elected a Black man to be President of the United States, and that fact is the most significant positive event in the political history of the United States of America. There cannot be a Black man or women, or of any ethnicity, for that matter, than can now have any doubts about what they can achieve in this country, if they work hard for it and plan carefully."

Americans, as Obama's victory speech proclaimed, "Yes we can." We can, here, accomplish almost anything we set out to do.

Congratulations, Barack Obama. You have broken through what may have seemed like a barrier of race to many people of color, whether it was real or imagined.